24 August 2012

Syawal Menjelma

Assalamualaikum  w.b.t

Selamat Hari Raya Semua.Diharap masih xt'lambat. Kesibukan melanda. Hari raya pertama rumahku dipenuhi dengan sanak saudara yang datang berkunjung  menziarahi aki dan wan yang berada di rumahku. Hari raya pertama,rumahku dipenuhi dengan adik beradik mak. Terasa kemeriahannya :)

Hari raya kedua,adik beradik ayahku pula datang berkunjung tetapi agak sedih sbb atok xdtg skli. Atok dalam keadaan tidak berapa sihat effect dari kemoterapi kansernya.Semoga atok cepat sembuh.

Hari ketiga raya, isteri dan anak2 kepada arwah adik aki aku dtg.(pening x?hahahaha) dan hari seterusnya sedara mara dari Lamir,Pekan pula menjengah kami.Mmg penuh rumahku dengan sedara mara.Alhamdulillah,itu rezeki dari Allah.Setiap tetamu yang hadir ke rumah kita adalah rezeki :)

Hari seterusnya, aku dh mula kerja.Masuk pejabat je,kosong..hahahaha.Semua masih beraya.Aku je rajin masuk kerja awal..(padahal dlu dh cuti awal :p) 

Nak share gambarlah sikit..hehehe..Tp dalam gambar tu k.long xde untuk tahun ni sbb tgh berpantang..First baby dalam family kami..hehehe..tp gambar baby xde lg..tnggu next post ek..

                              Ni gambar raya tahun lepas..

                                       Raya tahun ni..


31 July 2012

Ramadhan Mubarak

Assalamualaikum W.B.T..

Dear readers..

It has been a while since my last post in this blog but it doesn't mean I'm not interested in bang out my thoughts anymore.. Thank you so much for those who currently following me..Thank you so much for all the supports.. Nothing inspire happened to share as I'm not a person who talk rubbish in my blog.. My aim is to motivate others and share my life experiences which more or less will help me to gain rewards from Allah S.W.T.. :-)

Presently struggling for my internship to complete my degree.Can't really imagine a life as an engineer yet, but I do hope I'll enjoy it as my future rely on this..This is the path I've chosen.. I've work hard striving to the top , and now I leave to Allah to decide..Other than that, now we are in fasting month which is full of barakah from Allah S.W.T..Let's grab the opportunity to gain rewards from Allah..^_^

Ramadan is one of the holy festivals which the Muslims celebrate every year with a month of fasting, prayers and self-sacrifice. The Muslims consider it to be the month when they get closer to The Almighty. It’s the time when they follow certain religious principles which is considered to help them acquire patience and strength of mind. They not only pray to Allah for themselves but also request The Almighty to shower his blessings on their loved ones.

Till then… I can only ask The Almighty Allah to give me strength and health in hopes to earn the wisdom to be reborn again….Ramadhan Mubarak to all of you..Pray for  us to have a spiritually fulfilling month..^_^

01 June 2012

Ketika Ujian Datang Melanda~

Ujian itu satu tarbiyah daripada Allah,

Semakin dekat diri kepadanya,

Semakin kuat taufan yang melanda,

Biar rebah, Jangan berubah,

Biar terbuang ,Teruslah berjuang.

Senyum mujahid Memburu syahid